Inside out at the Laundromat

When I was little, I would fantizise about being someone else when I was doing chores or playing- mowing the yard pretending I was a bulldozer driver sculpting a landscape, or riding my bike, I would be a race car driver etc. When I left home the tables turned- in college one of the jobs I had was as a janitor for an apartment complex and I remember unclogging my first toilet and thinking it beneath me, and that I was too important for that (a humbling experience that helped me become a man) I also remember using a local laundromat and being surrounded by all types of people and being asked for my money and if I wanted to buy drugs, I remember feeling really out place and seeing myself as someone ‘who don’t belong there’. All of those experiences helped shape and form my as an adult, and I still laugh remembering myself in those places visualizing myself in a suit and tie while in reality I was just another human trying to get laundry done. How we see ourselves on the inside is often different than how the world sees us, and I hope all of us keep a bit of sparkle and shine and superhero in there somewhere.