Reading Room
The concept of this project is how an idea can change and shape us. The Book in this project is The Brothers Karamazov, by Fyodor Dostoevsky, set during the fall of Holy Russia, when modern atheism had taken over the country. The atheism was in the same vein as “The Will to Power, The Survival of the Fittest, and God is dead” that in the following century would see more violent deaths than the rest of history combined. Dostoevsky’s hero, Alyosha is portrayed as a faithful alternative to atheistic socialism (or the idea that there is no God, and man is therefore god) … his character lacks eloquent arguments and it seems his argument for a faithful existence and compassion fails, but it is through Alyosha’s sacrificial love and virtue that he wins the day and is the hero. This conflict is still very present in our world, with young people being torn between materialism and a faithful existence as worldviews. It can be very difficult to navigate. In this project, the photos begin by trying to show anguish and conflict, and then as Caroline reads the novel, and grows more closely to Alyosha, her countenance brightens and she finds joy and peace.
On a technical note, I began the shoot with an F stop and shutter speed that would cause a slightly blurry/dark image, and as the concept progresses, the images become more clear and light is more present in the darkness. I also used color grading that starts very dark and moody, and progresses to clear grading that tries to capture the beauty of an idea giving peace and joy. Another inspiration for the aesthetic was Lana del Rey’s ‘Chemtrails Over The Country Club,’ which explores looking at God and the world through a bubble of safety and privilege and knowing that you have to leave the bubble to truly experience life.