Introducing Oizys- Greek goddess of anxiety, misery and despair. For recorded history, people have seen misfortune, misery and the like as torment from external forces- be they demons, gods, elements of the universe etc. Anxiety is often felt and described torment from external sources- whether it is popular culture, malvelolent forces, or other humans. I choose Oizys because in talking to and exploring anxiety, it was said that some anxiety is good and helps push you along, but it is also bad and cripples you.Overcoming anxiety. One very common trigger for anxiety is thinking you aren’t good enough or you have to pretend to be someone you really aren’t so others will like/appreciate you. One common method to overcome anxiety is prayer, which serves two purposes. One, grace from God to strengthen the will and provide peace, and in the process of self- examination and looking at virtues, we come to see ourselves as God sees us, as having worth and value and being more than enough. As you move through the images, you will find the subject trying to decide on a mask (a fake persona to show the world), then deciding to face the demon of anxiety squarely, and then through prayer, she comes to love and appreciate herself.