Ive long admired Saint Lucy, and I love her hagiography… she vowed herself to Jesus as a consecrated virgin, and through her mother’s fear for her well being, was promised to a wealthy pagan for her security. Lucy refused his hand and was imprisoned and eventually began to be tortured for her faith, a faith so strong, it is said, that when they tried to remove her from her prison cell, the guards couldn’t move her, so they employed a team of horses who couldn’t move her either… in a fit of rage, they then attempted to burn her alive, but she didn’t yield. Eventually, they drove a sword through her throat, ending her life. She has long been associated with light (her feast falls on 12/13 during the long nights of winter) and I am particularly drawn to her strength and resolve and so great was her love for Jesus that a team of horses couldn’t couldn’t drag her away from her Lord.